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Adhering to the concept of excellence and earnestness, we look forward to creating a win-win situation and a better future with our customers.
Adhering to the concept of excellence and earnestness, we look forward to creating a win-win situation and a better future with our customers.
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對於所代理的設備項目,本公司之組員均接受過原廠的專業訓練,使能夠提供給客戶最完整的專業技術服務及讓客戶購置的設備能有最大效益的發揮。 新廣鈦公司的全體同仁,也將會一直秉持著精益求精、認真踏實的理念,期盼與客戶一起創造雙贏的局面及共創更美好的將來。
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